
Showing posts from March, 2018
Data modelling techniques in MongoDB We grew up learning about normal forms, 1 st , 2nd and 3 rd normal form. Storage was not cheap those days and hence the objective was to save storage. But as we grew up, the world around us also changed. Applications transformed to a distributed architecture from an N Tier architecture. Data volume increased exponentially and so is the data velocity. On top of it, the structure of the data is no longer fixed and predictable. It is polymorphic and does not follow a strict schema. This change saw the birth of NoSQL databases. They took advantage of cheaper storage and hence became bold enough to trade off non-redundancy of data with performance and scalability. They are a complete different breed who does not follow referential integrity. Joins are sacrificed to be able to scale horizontally. The long known ACID properties of databases are no longer relevant for such databases, they are what we call now are BASE . In such a scenario, the da